WI Ride

Woodgrange Marketplace 10 Sebert Road London, United Kingdom

Our 2nd 'annual' ride with the Forest Gate WI. Parks of Newham and beyond! Women only.

Newham Ride

View Tube The Greenway, Marshgate Lane, Stratford, United Kingdom

Our regular ride around the borough. Easy riding, mostly off road. 20 miles. This time it will will be a "reverse" or clockwise route to maximise coffee stop options in the second half - starting with a look at developments around the Olympic Park (which we have not covered for a long time), the Greenway, … Continue reading "Newham Ride"

Tour de Frack

Meadowbank Park Dorking, United Kingdom

Please note this is NOT a Newham Cyclists event. 3 routes for all abilities, 16, 27 or 53 miles Dear Cyclist, Many of us cycle to enjoy our natural environment and lots head for places such as the hills of Surrey and Sussex. But what many do not realise is that landmarks such as Leith … Continue reading "Tour de Frack"

Meeting/Evening Ride

Woodgrange Marketplace 10 Sebert Road London, United Kingdom

A short ride to and around the Olympic Park, ending up at Mason & Co by Here East for refreshment.  

Fix Your Ride

Osborne Road, E7 Osborne Road, London, United Kingdom

Bike Maintenance at the Forest Gate Festival

Rainham Marshes Ride

View Tube The Greenway, Marshgate Lane, Stratford, United Kingdom

Arnold's annual ride to the RSPB reserve is a little earlier this year.  Hopefully this will not interfere with the traditional great weather! Earlier start to enable a return in time for the World Cup Final. 09.00 from Woodgrange Market/09.30 from View Tube

Ramsgate to Canterbury Ride

Stratford International Station Celebration Avenue, Stratford, London, United Kingdom

Meet at 9.10am Departing Stratford international at 9:32am  - train costs £26.60 return (before discount). Route is here -  https://goo.gl/maps/mxqCCL7bNMH2

Ride London Freecycle – Feeder Ride

Meridian Square (next to Stratford Bus Station)

Led ride to the Freecycle event in Central London (where the roads will be closed - see FreeCycle Map_2018 ) Our ride will go from Stratford Station, led by Steve and marshalled by our volunteers. You must register to join this ride!  

Meeting/Evening Ride

View Tube The Greenway, Marshgate Lane, Stratford, United Kingdom

We are opting for an Al Fresco meeting and will be in the garden at the back of the View Tube.  The cafe will NOT be open, but Nigel has said he will be able to open the toilets.  Feel free to bring your own drinks/snacks if required! We have quite a lot on the … Continue reading "Meeting/Evening Ride"

Canterbury to Ramsgate Ride

Stratford International Station Celebration Avenue, Stratford, London, United Kingdom

Following the Crab & Winkle Way. Robin (ride leader) will meet you at Canterbury. Please allow plenty of time to buy tickets and get bikes down to the platform (lift only takes 2 bikes at a time for those who don't want to carry them!) Departing Stratford International on the 09.16,  arriving 10.08 Canterbury West. … Continue reading "Canterbury to Ramsgate Ride"