Newham Ride 2

View Tube The Greenway, Marshgate Lane, Stratford, United Kingdom

Ashford to Folkestone Ride

Woodgrange Marketplace 10 Sebert Road London, United Kingdom

Ride Leader - Bernard Meet at Coffee7 at 09.15 to ride to Stratford International to catch the 09.47 to Ashford.  Train fare £20 with Network or other railcards/group discount. 30 miles, no hills.

Monthly Meeting/Ride

Woodgrange Marketplace 10 Sebert Road London, United Kingdom

Ride to Walthamstow & around Mini Holland scheme with WF Cyclings' Paul Gasson. Meet at Coffee7.

River Ride

View Tube The Greenway, Marshgate Lane, Stratford, United Kingdom

Departing 10am from the View Tube - this is a variation on our Newham Ride, crossing the river using foot tunnel & ferry (both free). Easy paced approx 20 miles no hills. We will stop at cafe at Emirates air line cable car south terminal at approx half way for refreshments -this will be an … Continue reading "River Ride"

Monthly Meeting

Upstairs at CoffeE7 10 SEBERT ROAD, FOREST GATE, LONDON, London, United Kingdom

Due to our May meeting being totally focussed on our excellent ride around the Mini Holland scheme in Waltham Forest, we are forgoing the ride part of June's meeting to concentrate on the various issues that need addressing.  Murray Woodburn will be attending the meeting and it is likely we will discuss the LIP schemes … Continue reading "Monthly Meeting"

River Ride

View Tube The Greenway, Marshgate Lane, Stratford, United Kingdom

Join us for an easy 20 mile ride down the Lea and along the Thames, crossing by foot tunnel and/or ferry. Depart at 10am from the view tube cafe, on the greenway, next to the QE park

Coastal Meander on the Viking Trail

CTC ride, led by Anna. Coastal meander on the Viking trail.  An easy going ride following the Viking trail on a mostly paved, traffic free, scenic coastal route. Picnic or pub lunch at the historic Reculver Towers. In the afternoon we'll have a brief visit to the Turner Contemporary gallery in Margate. The ride will finish in Broadstairs or Ramsgate, depending … Continue reading "Coastal Meander on the Viking Trail"

Monthly Meeting/Ride

Woodgrange Marketplace 10 Sebert Road London, United Kingdom

A ride around the Olympic Park, followed by a meeting/drink - probably at Neighbourhood. Meet outside Coffee7 at 7pm

Ride London Freecycle

To be confirmed

We'll be leading a Feeder Ride into the Freecycle route in Central London. Register for Freecycle here: and find the information on the Led Rides here: If you are joining our feeder ride, please make sure you arrive in plenty of time so that our marshals can do a quick safety check your … Continue reading "Ride London Freecycle"