
LCC Trustee Elections

Any LCC members planning on voting in the Board Trustee elections may want to do a bit of additional research into Tony Martin. It has come to our attention that he is an extreme right wing activist (he has confirmed he is @tonyleemartin on Twitter).

Changes to CS2 at Stratford Broadway

Many of you, like me, will use CS2 on a daily basis to get to work. Over the past few months, there have been a ridiculous number of changes to the start of CS2 at Stratford Broadway, coming full circle back to exactly where we started.  This just isn’t acceptable.  Not only is it hugely dangerous to keep changing the road layout so that no road user has any idea what they’re doing, but the cost of all these changes must be incredible.

Arnold has already emailed Councillors Crawford & Christie and submitted a Freedom of Information request, but it may be that this is something that we really want to push as a group. Please let us have your thoughts by commenting below.

Here are some photos documenting the changes as well as a short video.

CS2 1 Screen Shot 2014-09-12 at 17.15.09 CS2 2 CS2 3


East-West & North-South Cycle Superhighways

The consultation for both the East-West and North-South Cycle Superhighways are out.  The plans look promising but as always need input from people using the routes.



Also, Danny at Cyclists in the City has written a good piece on the various consultations and plans going around:

There’s also a good article on the Telegraph website:


Readout from meeting of 1 September

A lot to report:

  • We provided our views on Stratford High Street to Atkins.
  • We decided the committee would pursue a meeting with Councillor Christie.
  • We will take up communication training with a view to creating more targeted communications.
  • East London Hubub rides will be circulated on the Yahoo group.
  • Richard provided a general upbeat update on cycling developments. (1) Consultation has opened on the e-w and n-s Superhighways through Central London; (2) Aldgate to Bow CS2 improvements will go out to consultation , but are likely to include proper protection from left hooks and  (over 30%) segregation.  We need to look out a press for left hook protection in Stratford High St. This has opened today – see and (3) This week Newham will be submitting an application for funding to remove the Stratford Gyratory, for which the ground has been prepared. (4) Proposals are moving forward for remedial improvements to Westfield Avenue in the Olympic Park, to be paid for by the developers of the International Quarter (5) Newham have employed a further person to deal with cycle projects. (6)The cycle permeability project is progressing to the mapping stage and will be incorporated into a draft cycle strategy for the borough which is being written at the moment. (7) the Lea Valley route will also link Canning Town to the Excel Centre/Cablecars via Sivlertown Way.  This links to our ward ask for South Canning Town. (8) 200k has been obtained to improve Gallions roundabout. (9) Newham almost doubled its cycle training delivery; it   is sending all its drivers on  serious cycle awareness training; and its engineers are getting LCDS (London Cycle Design standards) training . (9) A cycle parking audit has almost been completed picking up on historic suggestions for cycle parking, and 25K is available to spend on cycle parking and decluttering; 14 stands have recently been installed..
  • Richard exposed the Sustrans proposals for the Aldgate to Hainault quietway route on which immediate comments were offered.  We will carry out a formal consultation exercise separately.
  • We decided to pursue a response to the river crossings consultation: A ferry at Gallions Reach to Thamemead will reduce traffic on local roads in the south of the borough and create a slight increase on the A406 and a feeder road to it, and bring environmental benefits over upgrading the existing Woolwich Ferry.  My suggestion is to oppose any new  bridges –  which will  bring traffic too much traffic into the borough bearing in mind the prooposed Silvertown tunnel.   The Gallions Reach ferry appears the most beneficial to cyclists followed by the Woolwich ferry.  Comments to me by close 8th September  for drafting the response and submitting it by 12th September.
Not surprisingly after all this there was not time to look at the Space for Cycling follow up which we will do at our next meeting on 29 September.
See separate posting for forthcoming rides.

Mundon ride 24 August 2014

The weather respected the tradition of being excellent for our rides.  Nine of us sortied to Chelmsford by train and then followed Sustrans national route 1 from there to Maldon and back, with a diversion to Mundon with its 14th  centruy church and “petrified” oaks.  Very picturesque and extremently pleasant.  Thanks to Chris for leading us.  Mundon Oaks - 24th August 2014 1 (2)

Above: The oaks, but no bikes.

Below:  A high spot en route, this time with bikes.


Mundon Oaks Ride - 24th August 2014 2 (1)

Bespoke Cycle Racks for Newham

We have received the email below from Richard Wadey.  Whilst it is not the most important piece of cycling infrastructure Newham needs, it is good for us to be consulted on things like this.  If you have any ideas, please contact Richard on the email address in his note:

Dear Newham Cyclists,

 I hope you are all well.

 I am in touch as Cllr Corbett has agreed for an art-led public space project to proceed that seeks to install bespoke designed cycle racks at locations across the borough.

 The project is being led on by OpenSpace a not-for-profit arts development organisation, please see the brief attached.

 I have had a meeting with OpenSpace with suggestions of the types of locations that could do with new or enhanced cycle parking provision that could contribute to brightening up the public realm in a fun way  (library’s/community facilities/parks/stations/town centres etc) but as early as possible I would like to seek suggestions from Newham Cyclists.

 Any suggestions can be sent to

 Related to this, our new additional cycling officer should be starting in September and we will be conducting a cycle parking audit/needs assessment (in addition to a cycling facilities/signage audit) asap. I plan on attending your next meeting (1st of September, Coffee7?) as I have some positive news/updates regarding Stratford Gyratory/QEOP/Royal Docks/Quietways.

 Thank you for your help,

Kind regards,



Readout from this week’s meeting and other news

On Tuesday night we had a very pleasant saunter down the canals to a pub in Canary Wharf that turned out to be called the Ledger – and back.  Some business was transacted as refreshments were taken.
  • We were sympathetic to a collective response to the latest river crossing consultation.

    It is  available here:   Do respond as an individual if you are so inclined but whether you do or not let me know what you think and I will collate a newham cycllists response.  The consultation closes 12 September.

  • Cody Dock, a regular stop on our Newham Ride has been shortlisted for a publicly voted grant (£120,000) for a wild flower park.  I will let you know when polling is open.

  • Newham and TfL, with assistance from us, are continuing to look at possible quietways and have looked  at: Greenway improvements, a possible Roding Valley way, a northern route from Stratford to Ilford and the Forest Gate to North Woolwich route.  These, with the Lea Valley (which is already planned and funded), a southern west-east route (which emerged during the ward audits) and from hte Excel to UEL, would make an excellent foundation for a Newham network of quietways.

  • We will consider the Space for Cycling follow up in September.

  • We are progressing with the possibility of making our 7 September Newham Ride a Councillor focussed rideg; and a meeting with Councillor Christie, who has been notified of recent instances of disappearing cycle racks and registered his concern.

  • We decided to  participate with Atkins in their survey of freight traffic on Stratford High St (see below)

  • We agreed to contribute to Olawale attending the cycle design courses run by Urban Design for London.

  • I am awaiting a meeting with Council officers on Crossrail improvements around Manor Park station.  If you would like to see the (very early pictures) and comment please let me know.
Other news
  • The 25 bus route has been chosen to trial a sensor system to improve cycle safety.
  • Our next meeting will be on 1 September (venue to be confirmed but probably Coffee E7).  A representative from Atkins will be attending to consult on freight in Stratford High St.
  • The Essex ride is on 24 August.


Safer Lorry Consultation

Some of you may have already done this, but if not – please just take a few minutes to have your say on TFLs plans to make London’s lorries safer for pedestrians and cyclists.

Celebrate Greenwich Foot Tunnel

Do come and join in the fun at the Greenwich Foot Tunnel on 3rd August!

Sunday, 3 August at 3pm at Tunnel Entrance, Cutty Sark Gardens, Greenwich

Join Fogwoft to celebrate the opening of the tunnel in 1902 and the completion of the refurbishment works. 

Live music from Trinity musicians Michael Underwood and Oscar Laurence

Short addresses from Dr Mary Mills and Ian Blore of fogwoft, and a walk through the tunnel to Island Gardens where refreshments will be served.

All are welcome.

See you there!

Mike (Shallcross)