
Report on Recent Rides

On the 17 June a goodly crew started off  a Newham Ride. from the View Tube.

The unusual feature was that it was anti-clockwise, starting with a run down the Greenway to Beckton.

Then to the Royal Docks via Thames Barrier Park and finishing with a run up the Lea Valley.  This way round was intended to maximise coffee stop opportunities and the best times.  Once again it proved how the borough is ever changing.  Much is new and changing but ther are remnants of post-industial.


On 30 June we led 6 children from the Ambition, Aspire, Achieve Saturday Cycling Club for a ride along the Greenway and around the Olympic Park.  A run of 7-8 miles which went a long way to improving their cycle skills.  They did brilliantly in the heat.

In his note of thanks Kevin Jenkins, Founder of this Charity observed: “As always the feedback from the children has been nothing but positive. ”

So a good trip for them and a well spent morning for us.



Stratford Gyratory and related issues

Four Newham Cyclists  participated in another cycle round the Stratford works on 4 June  with Michael Barratt, TfLs influential Development Development Impacts Manager and Paul Gannon, the Newham Council Officer managing the restructuring project, .

Here is their full Report with the full list of actions, and more (annotated) photos:

Focus on the gyratory works 04 june 18

By way of reminder, the Stratford Gyratory scheme has been generally welcomed by Newham Cyclists.  The works already completed give a flavour of the benefits to come.

One of our concerns has been to ensure cyclists remain as safe as possible during the lengthy construction works. The very positive approach by all concerned is helping to achieve this.  The engagement of TfL and Newham Council is very welcome.

At present there are two major issues, which are recognised as difficult to avoid at present:

  • The closure of the cycle track in the Grove.  However Paul indicated that this was planned to open southbound in the next few weeks.  Cyclists going northbound can still use the wide shared use pavement up to Great Eastern Street.
  • The cycle lane completed in the Broadway westbound can only be used for cyclists turning into Tramway Avenue towards Plaistow.  it cannot be used for continuing westbound to Stratford High St.

    Otherwise it is necessary to move into the centre lane in order to get to the now open westbound lane outside the Old Town Hall.  Please be aware of this if you are going westbound through Stratford  to Bow in order to avoid conflict with pedestrians.

Otherwise a series of minor modifications (moving fences, changing the position of signs, covering loose wires etc.) were suggested.

The 4m wide two way cycle track between Angel Lane and The Grove, which is currently under construction may need to be temporarily limited in width at first to prevent the idea arising that this is extra car parking space.  Paul is looking for the best way to do this, for example by use of planters or cycle parking. All ideas gratefully received.

The track will still open with a very adequate 3m width and will move to its full 4m when bedded in.

It was also interesting to learn that traffic counts had shown a significant overall decline in motor traffic (evaporation) since the works had started and a significant reduction in speeds – to nearer the 20mph limit.  Also, further major development  on Stratford High Street between Bridge Street and the Magistrates Court could present another opportunity for improvements for cycling and walking in the area.





Cake Mountain Ride 3 June 2018

The “Over the Hill” group of cyclists from south of the river have become regular participants in our Newham rides and so they were once again tempted to cross the river and try the cake.  The weather was fine and warm and travelled at a leisurely pace along the canal towards Enfield lock.
The first part of the ride along the canal is naturally quite flat.  Dawes hill is always a test for heart, lungs, and the benefits of ebikes and we approached the forest this way.  Riding through Chingford we stopped at the Queen Elizabeth hunting lodge, which was open, and it was easy to imagine Tudor nobles chasing deer through the valley below.  Onward to High Beech and through the forest, before negotiating the busy A121, we crossed a lesser known bridge over the M25, down a track and into Upshire and St Thomas’ church.  We had lunch in the Horseshoe pub before returning to the church for tea and a mountain of cake.
We rode back sated and probably more slowly, taking an alternative route around High Beech avoiding the hills to the the canal, which led us all the way back to our start point.  Unfortunately, as we rejoined the Greenway Roxie’s derailleur got caught in her back wheel.  We we almost at the end of the ride and she was able get home and hopefully repair or replace the bike, which I believe is under guarantee.
Coincidentally, I  saw my daughter Ellie’s narrow boat along the canal and stopped for a photo with the new tenant

Ambition, Aspire, Achieve

We have led two more rides for AAA’s Saturday children’s cycling club – on 5 May and 2 June.

The first was a jaunt along the Greenway (first braving a traffic jam caused by a funeral in the West Ham Cemetry) and through Three Mills Green.  Notably we got a disability bike along the Channelsea Path linking Three Mills to the Greenway.

There was  very positive feedback from the eight children participating.

Duly inspired, and with a group of six slightly older children, our second ride ventured from the Greenway along the Lea towpath to the Olympic Park.  This gave us a chance to focus more on cycle  skills as well as taking some of the children to a part of Newham they had not been to before or had little knowledge of.

A great pleasure and success for them and us.

We are therefore trying to fit another ride in before the summer shut down.  If you might be able to help between 10.15 am and 12.45 pm on either Saturday 30 June or Saturday 7 July let me know at



Newham Ride 27 May 2018

A goodly band, including a contingent from south of the River, set out  without any expectation of avoiding at least one thunderstorm.

In the event we were blessed (as usual) with good weather and those that lasted to the end finished hot, but dry; all without mechanical mishap.

The ride was just over 16 miles around Newham with one small diversion to Trinity Buoy Wharf on the Tower Hamlets side of the mouth of the River Lea.

The intention was to pick up on some of the places of interest missed out in previous local rides.  What was remarkable was the scale of development along the Thames, from City Island to Gallions Reach.  Indeed  the new developments at Thames Barrier Park made it a difficult task to thread our way to the park.

Lets hope Newham ends up with a proper Thameside path!


Readout from May 2018 Monthly Meeting

This was held on 21 May to avoid a bank holiday.  In the evening sunshine we took a quick ride around the rat runs of Manor Park,  between the Romford Road and East Av/Plashet Grove, either side of High Street North, leaving time for discussion in the garden of the Golden Fleece afterwards.

On Manor Park, Adam suggested how through traffic could be stopped by point road closures leaving groups of streets accessible (each group shown as the same colour on this map):

We decided to-

  • discuss the problem and possible solutions with Newham Council’s Sustainable Transport Officer and Newham Living Streets;
  • invite ideas for possible solutions.  If you have ideas or would like to participate in developing ideas please get in touch, by 10 June, to and;
  •  continue to raise awareness of local residents, schools etc;
  • inform the new local councillors.

We discussed how to run our Freecycle feeder ride on 28 July.  We are looking at a new route.  Marshals are needed.  If you can help and have not already indicated please let me know on  again by 10 June.

We were not impressed with the plans for Q6 Temple Mill Lane/Leyton Rd jucntion and will be renewing our objections.  It is imperative that the quietways reach an decent quality.  otherwise they will waste public money on infrastructure that will not attract cyclists.

We decided to run a programme of Councillor Rides to reinforce with our new Council the potential of and benefits from cycling in Newham.

Out third cycle of bike maintenance and ride with Ambition, Aspire, Achieve goes ahead over teh next two Saturdays.


Brewery ride report 19/5/18

11 of us set of from view tube on a gloriously sunny day forgoing the royal wedding for a tour of east end breweries – with only the ride leader dressing for the occasion (thanks Anita for loan of bridal headgear!) We past Mason & co (tap room for Five points brewery) and looked down on Westfield (home of tap east brewery) before meeting up with two other riders at Pretty Decent brewery in Forest gate (& a quick refreshment stop!) we then skirted Wanstead flats to travel north to Wild card & Pillars breweries for a lunch stop (taking in the amazing ‘gods own junkyard’ and ‘the big al’ beer & cider shop on same estate) we then headed east taking in a few breweries before stopping for a thirst quencher at London Fields brewery tap room.

With only one slight off road tumble (not beer related!) and one puncture -unfortunately as in rear wheel of a brompton the rider left us at that point -mechanically the ride otherwise went well!

Passing new breweries sites of Margade Boxcar & Pit cue we headed back east to end at Howling hops/ crate breweries where group split before returning to Olympic park (some even made it back for the cup final! )

Thanks to Nigel & Steve for pics

Steves Photos


May Monthly Meeting

This will take place a week earlier than usual to avoid a bank holiday, on 21 May.

We will be doing a short fact finding ride of some rat runs in Manor Park

Start at the golden Fleece, Capel Rd at 7.30 pm and we will return there for discussion of our findings and other current topics – weather permitting in the garden.
