
Newham-Waltham Forest Low Traffic Neighbourhood

A bid has gone in to TfL to fund a Low Traffic Neighbourhood to the north of Windmill Lane – Maryland Point – Forest Lane. It straddles newham and Waltham Forest. The Newham Cyclists infrastructure team has prepared a detailed proposal which involve creating a number of (through) traffic free cells and in particular blocking the popular rat runs of Chobham Road and Odessa Rd. The scheme uses some point closures, but largely uses “gates” protected by number plate recognition cameras to remove all through traffic but allow residents to enter and exit the cells of the Low Traffic Neighbourhood.

All comments welcome. If you would like further information lease contact me. The intention is to use this proposal in ongoing discussions with Newham Council and other stakeholders.

Theproosal is found in these 9 documents.











Heritage Ride Report 17 November

14 of us gathered at the ViewTube Cafe to tour the byways of Newham in search of some of our heritage amongst the new build and the post industrial landscape of the Royal Docks and the riversides of the Thames and the Lea.

Our efforts were rewarded – particularly the Thames parks of Victoria Gardens, Thames Barrier Park and Lyle Park which looked delightfully autumnal.

We got back to the View Tube just as the old was beginning to bite.


Heritage Ride 17 November

Start at 10.ooam at the View Tube Cafe. This year we will be focussing on the Royal Docks, and the banks of the rivers Thames and Lea. There will be short stops at sites of historical interest but for further info and photos (including some sites we will not be visiting!) see the update and expanded guide.

Lots of stopping places in the second half of the ride and the cafe at Cody Dock should be open. The choice will depend on the weather.


Urgent! tonights firework ride cancelled

Ride scheduled for this evening has been cancelled due to display being cancelled due to adverse weather conditions
‘Unfortunately due to the adverse weather conditions, including strong gusts of wind, which are forecast to continue, the Event Mangement Team have decided that it is unsafe to continue with the event. We regret any dissapointment this may cause, but public safety must be our priority at all times.​‘
sorry Bill

Readout from Meeting of 28 October

Eight of us made it to the latest, Littile Ilford, round of our tour of Community Centres. Highlights –

  • We discussed the logistics of the planned ride to the Newham Firework Display – details to be confirmed.
  • We decided that November’s meeting will be a social to which partner organisations will be invited.
  • We started our thinking on our rides calendar for next year. Steve will bring a draft to our next meeting.
  • We discussed what options were available to replace the Yahoo Group which was becoming limited and whose future is uncertain. We decided to continue to use the website as the main archive and to try out; but leave other options, with different functionality, open. We also agreed that there should be an additional site administrator in LCC HQ.
  • We decided to put in a detailed response to the proposed Waltham Forest/Newham Low Traffic Neighbourhood based on our earlier response advocating 5 “traffic cells”. The Infrastructure Group were tasked to put this together in the light of any plans already in place from the Council and in liaison Waltham Forest Cyclists. In the meantime individuals were encoraged to add there comments to the consultative interactive map which closes on 14 November. The major rat runs of Cemetery Rd and Odessa Rd were identified. Also the need to protect Quietway 6 which crosses this area.
  • Olympic Park “quick wins” have been submitted to the LLDC consultant, and the signs were that the MSG Development was likely to be brought back.
  • Schools Streets are being launched on 11 November at the Chobham Academy and Woodrange/Godwin Schools. We hope to have a presence to encourage cycling.
  • We identified a need to liaise with the newborn Redbridge Group in support to the “Ilford Gardens” development.
  • Various other infrastructure improvements were identified. These have gone on our list of cycling issues which we plan to discuss with Newham Council officers at a forthcoming catch up meeting with them.


Readout from 30 September Meeting

A wet night might have accounted for a slight drop in numbers for our meeting at the Beckton Community Centre, but there was no shortage of lively discussion.

We were pleased to welcome Councillor James Asser, newly appointed as Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Sustainable Transport. Before his appointment he had previously engaged with us by attending our Annual Meeting and our Councillor Ride. He mentioned that a new Director of Highways had been appointed.

Kerena updated on the activities of the Newham Climate Collective which brings together organisations interested in Newham Council’s initiatives to fight global warming, poor air quality and waste. We are a strong voice in this group. It will next be meeting on 7 October to consider Newham’s draft Air Quality Action Plan, on which consultation ends on 14 October.

We agreed that Newham Cyclists should put in a specific response in addition to anything produced by the NCC, and put together a co-ordinating group. However everyone is encouraged to participate as individuals in the Council’s online consultation. Specific points raised were: (a) the Cycle Strategy invoked in the draft needs to be actively implemented, (b) maximum leverage should be extrated from new developments and (c) all Council developments should be looked at with an eye to active travel and monitored – in paticular that infrastructure conducive to active travel is restored if removed for any reason.

Possible planning applications for a lorry park/distribution centre in Silvertown and the expansion of London City Airport were discussed. It was clarified that Newham Council still retained its planning and other powers in respect of the Royal Docks Enterprize Zone.

A panel discussion on cimate changed is planned at the LCC annual Meeting on 16 October.

On infrastructure:

  • It was agreed that an infrastructure group with a core of Olawale, Johnathan, Chris and Arnold – but open to anyone interested- should focus on infrastructure issues and take the load of the monthly meetings. To this end also regular updates of the Cycling Issues chart will be posted on the website to inform those interested.
  • The issues surrounding the MSG development in Angel Lane were discussed. Whilst it is opposed on infrastructure grounds by TFL the development is not likely to go away. However it should not compromise the surrounding area (Stratford Station, Montfichet Rd and Penny Brookes St and Angel Lane – all key points for active travel.
  • There is still time to submit “quick wins” for minor improvements in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.
  • Enforcement cameras have not yet been installed for the Browning Rd bridge but should come shortly. We agreed to monitor the effect once the cameras had been installed and bedded in.
  • The pilot School Streets were going to be introduced in phases. The need for new schools to design in air quality was raised.
  • In general enforcement (of parking, littering, and to prevent engine idling) was becominng more important. Councillor Asser encouraged use of the “Love Newham” App.

We finishedwith a reminder of the success of the car free day. We had participated in events in Stratford (where there were a variety of activities – see photos – but no street closures) and in Tylney Rd (which was partially closed for play). The success of the event in Warrior Square Manor Park demonstrated the appetite for liveable streets.

A variety of bikes on display and in use at the Stratford Car Free Day event.
Smoothies also available with a bit of effort.


Newham Ride 29 September 2019

Rain before and rain after kept the crowds away from what proved, for Viv, Jonathan and myself to be a ride in dry – if grey- weather. We took in theusual, but ever changing sights of Newham, including Lyle Park, Tinity Buoy Wharf (where the only hint of rain came whilst lunch was being taken) East India Dock, Cody Dock and Three Mills.

Lunch stop at Trininty buoy Wharf where an excellect piece of sculpture has been retained during building works elsewhere

One puncture from the usual glass on the cycle lanes around Beckton. Also the sight of systematic car parking on shared use pavement in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic(Car) Park.
